Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Editorial Excoriates Elderly Ex-president — WSJ: 'false, obtuse, lunatic'
12 August 2024 — Gerard Baker wrote in that bastion of fuzzy liberal thinking, the Wall Street Journal, last week that...

"We need to talk about Donald.

"We can complain all we like, as I have, that the coronation of Kamala Harris by deceitful Democrats and a complaisant media is depriving voters of any understanding of what they are being asked to vote for in November. But we can’t ignore the giant Republican problem either: None of us are in any doubt what we are being asked to vote for on the Republican ticket.

"I watched [his recent so-called press conference"] in its entirety and then, perhaps hoping that the written version (transcript) might yield hidden intelligence not evident to the ear, read the transcript of the press conference Donald Trump held at Mar-a-Lago last week. Houston, we have a problem.

"By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump’s remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse or lunatic."

WSJ article

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