About the SS Gazette.
We intend to have a bit of fun with almost all we survey. While we're doing that, we're mindful of the principle of "mind your own damned business," so we don't contribute to the global epidemic of following you around with an integrated advertising and profiling system.
We do use cookies to maintain login for members, and we do count page views, but we don't keep track of which readers view which items. If you're truly paranoid about cookies or fear the wrath of unelected bureaucrats in the European Union, just go away.
We reserve the right of fair use for purposes of civic commentary, satire and parody.
All images are the property of their respective author/creators.
All images are the property of their respective author/creators.
You can download a copy of our terms and conditions for $175, payable by most major credit cards via Paypal. (interestingly, we have had very few orders. You might be the first kid on your block to own one.)