Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Republikanismus über alles
It occurs to me that just as the Republicans love saying "Democrat Party" intending a slur, it might be appropriate to start calling the GOP "Die Republikanishe Partei." If you're struggling for the meaning, think 1933 and the swell group of fellows who took over then and there.

A delightful by-product is that "The Republican Party is large" translates to "Die Republikanische Partei ist groß (pron. gross)," which says so much. See Project 2025 and The Wit and Wisdom of Joseph Göbbels for further comparison.

My college German has finally paid off.

And while I'm on the subject, I was reminded by my son of a certain phrase adopted enthusiastically by a political party that dominated Germany from 1933 to 1945. The phrase "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" (kids, kitchen, church) expressed the official view of women's role in society.

Fast forward to JD Vance 2025 (excuse me, 2024, I get so confused, after all I'm only six weeks younger than Joe B, and JD and "2025" are so very much in tune). In JD's view women should stay home and abide by their husbands' wishes. One wonders whether Usha V, lady lawyer and all-around professional, might someday be the next Lorena Bobbit.

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