Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
SCOTUS Immunity Decision Facilitates Fascist Fantasies
The importance of the near-global immunity decision is not whether it impacts the re-election of the Fifth Avenue Fratboy.

Our recent former President has a well established pattern of impelling others to do his bidding (read "dirty work") to keep his own hands clean. He makes no notes, sends no email and, recently at least, has apparently learned not to record conversations.

The new SCOTUS position is part of the "unitary executive" theory (read "wet dream") of the far right. It holds that there is no daylight between an action of a President and an action of a subordinate doing that President's bidding. The result is that keeping his hands clean is no longer required.

Someone may be in a position to contradict me, but I cannot recall reading that Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin or Mao ever murdered anyone. What they did is to send a henchman to do the deed.

In similar fashion, the Court has just stated that acts in furtherance of any policy of the President is immune from oversight or prosecution. The unitary theory would hold that by delegating an action the action is that of the President.

Given an order from the President to "do something about the border," how long will presidential appointee-surrogate Steven Miller hesitate to enable right-wing militias to "defend the border" by jailing or abusing persons they perceive to be illegal migrants?

Given an order from the President to "do something about 'civil unrest,' how long will presidential appointee-surrogate Kris Kobach (look him up) hesitate to "protect America" by registering or interning Muslims or (insert other disfavored minority here)?

Given an order by the President to allow the sale of public assets at bargain prices to favored allies in exchange for political contributions, how long will it take for SCOTUS to decide that such action is within the scope of the Presidents duties and therefore immune from mere scrutiny, let alone prosecution?

It won't stop with senior level appointees. What happens in dictatorships is that ever-lower-ranking officials assume power beyond their portfolios, knowing their sycophantic superiors will support their actions as long as they conform to the Leader's perceived wishes. Eventually dogcatchers are arresting people for what they say, and local officials are imposing penalties without review. This is the essential nature of totalitarianism, and it begins with the "free" election of the first tyrant.

November is coming.

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