Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Biden faulted for "alley cat" reference
US President Joe Biden may have set animal welfare back by decades with his debate rebuke to Donald Tr*mp that he had "the morals of an alley cat" as part of an exchange over Tr*mp's brief affair with a pornographic actress.

A spokesperson for Persistently Emotional Treatment of Animals (PETA) defended the feline wanderers Friday morning, claiming that both pornstars and feral cats work hard for a living and deserve a little fun now and then, "just like Tr*mp," and that there is no reason to defame either group by such a metaphor.

"Although alley cats move furtively from one abode to another, leave little or no written evidence of their presence, avoid contact with most humans, and appear to think only of their own needs, rarely forming permanent social bonds, we feel despite those similarities to Tr*mp that the comparison is inappropriate and unnecessarily creates hostility toward these valued denizens of our cities.

"In turn, because Tr*mp himself has often claimed that he has a right to do whatever he wants because he's a star, we're concerned that Tr*mp's less stellar fellow travelers might take the comment as license to create a campaign of fear and loathing that would result in open season on pussies across the nation," the spokesperson concluded.

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