Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Candidate One, A Christian Analysis
Many US voters have touted their Christian beliefs and conflated them with their role as citizens and voters. It may be instructive for non-Christians and a remider for the faithful to consider some ways Christians are expected to act in society. The lessons are obvious, whether one is a believer or not.

1. Lying

The Bible includes several teachings that prohibit lying or bearing false witness. Here are a few key references:

Old Testament

Exodus 20:16 - "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." This is part of the Ten Commandments, emphasizing the prohibition against bearing false witness.

Leviticus 19:11 - "Do not lie. Do not deceive one another." This verse emphasizes the general prohibition against lying and deceit among the Israelites.

Proverbs 12:22 - "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy." This highlights God's attitude towards falsehood and the value of honesty.

New Testament

Colossians 3:9-10 - "Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." This New Testament passage underscores the importance of truthfulness among Christians.

Now consider Candidate One, who has been documented to have told as many as 30,000 lies or at least repeated as many untruths during a former tenure of office of four years. That's more than one lie or prevarication every minute.

2. Divorce & Fidelity

The Bible does not categorically prohibit divorce but sets strict conditions around it. In the Old Testament, divorce is regulated, while in the New Testament, Jesus significantly restricts the grounds for divorce, reserving it to cases of sexual immorality. The overarching biblical principle is that marriage is intended to be a permanent, lifelong covenant, and divorce is generally discouraged except under specific circumstances. Despite this ambiguity of scripture, Christians have long foresworn or prohibited divorce, and it has been impossible or difficult to obtain a divorce in most US states until recent decades.

Now consider that the only presidents who were or have been divorced are St. Ronnie of the Movies and Candidate One.

3. Communion and Outreach

St. Paul called on believers to commune often with the faithful and to reach out to people of all nations with the Good News of Jesus' life, sacrifice, and message of faith.

Candidate One, who has routinely portrayed himself as a man of God, has had to deal with a competing tweet from an actual man of God. According to HuffPost, Pastor David Lewicki took to Twitter ... to state that not only was he pastor of New York City’s Marble Collegiate Church for about five years where Candidate One was on the member rolls, he’d never seen Candidate One at the church. Not at Bible study, not a service. Never.

4. Altruism and Selflessness

Jesus identified Peter as his second, with a charge to lead the faithful should Jesus falter or die. When Peter was challenged to keep the faith, he denied Christ, yet Jesus forgave him and willingly accepted death as the price of transcendence.

The US Constitution identifies the Vice-president for the same role. When Candidate One was challenged by electoral defeat, he encouraged the mob to destroy his vice-president to preserve himself.


• Candidate one is a serial liar.
• Candidate One is an unfaithful spouse.
• Candidate One falsely claims devotion.
• Candidate One is a feckless friend.
• Candidate One is no Jesus.

BTW, this is from a non-believer. Being a true Christian takes a better man than I.

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