Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
NRA Praises deSantos Solution to School Shootings
The NRA today hailed reports that Ron deSantos had called for the arming of public school students in response to the recent Perry, Iowa, attack.

Noting that the shooter had used a shotgun and was also carrying a handgun, open-carry activists have pointed out that the relatively low firepower of those weapons could easily have been countered by the use of semi-automatic rifles.

Groups aligned with deSantos, noting that the Iowa shooting was at an elementary school, have suggested that the obvious solution to this and several other recent school shootings would be to upgrade school safety patrols to include arming the student monitors with semi-automatic weapons capable of overwhelming lightly armed attacks.

"If'n that thar school had only armed someone with, say, AR-15s in the hallways they could'a done somethin'," asserted Bubba Czhanks of nearby Cornwallow City, acknowledged tallow capital of America, who offered no details, adding "I'd even loan 'em one o' mine, iff'n I could recall where I put it."

Many people are saying that the DeSantos' affiliates' response to all this was truly innovative.

The Ron deSantos mentioned in this report should not be confused with the similarly named Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, who has announced that he will be announcing a way to end school shootings as soon as he has made the Affordable Care Act unnecessary and affordable by ending all insurance regulations in the state.



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