Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Republicans Ponder Unwelcome Surprise
Washington DC Dec 20 — House Speaker Mike Johnson joined Senate leaders today to consider the fate of the recently delivered life-size bronze bust of Rudy Giuliani, recently delivered despite some embarrassment due to a Georgia court's order that he pay over $146 million to two women he defamed as part of former president Donald X. Trump's scheme to remain in power despite an overwhelming 2020 loss to Joe Biden. The group would neither confirm nor deny that they have been considering auctioning off the statue to help Giuliani pay that debt.

Critics have panned the artwork, despite its lifelike detail, which is based on Giuliani's well known Four Seasons Landscaping speech in which he asserted to assembled reporters and customers at a nearby pornography shop that the election was stolen. Even the famous hair-dye streak is faithfully immortalized.

Update: Typographic correction 15 Aug 2024.

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