Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Speaker Who's Plan for American Women
Speaker Mike Who wants women to bear children who will be cannon fodder for industry. His motivation is perhaps not consistent with the times, but if indeed there's a need for workers, there's a simple variant in the form of guaranteed annual income for the baby mamas: Support women and the children to a point at which they will be desirable employees, provide for Mom after "retirement" and send the bill to the industries that will benefit.

Example: Pay Mom $2500/month (Seattle min. wage) plus $500/month per child, to a maximum of three (so that they get good care) through age 21, plus a lifetime pension of the same amount, since she will have developed no work skills and will be over 50 when the last child leaves.

(I'll save you the trouble of the fourth grade arithmetic: For three children,
Mom's stipend $750,000
Pension $900,000
Medicare $750,000
Children's stipend (3) $378,000
Total $2,778,000.
Divided by three gets industry adult, trained workers for $926,000 each.)

Amortized over a 40 year career, that's $23,150 per year, which is less than the current average cost of hiring a new worker in the USA, which the employment company SHRM estimates* at $180,000 for every median-income worker.

This is a great deal for industry! Speaker Who is no doubt to be congratulated, though there are those who might doubt the thoroughness with which he thought through his own randomly spewed notion.

What a joy to have a Speaker of the House who is so concerned for the mothers of America!

Cost of recruitment

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