Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
What difference left or right?
The American "left" consists of
  • (A) a VERY few classic commies who want the govt. to run everything (and who could not fill a large high school gym on their best day); and
  • (B) a larger group of people who have it in for those with advantages of any kind;
  • (C) millions of people who are just fine with equitably sharing the fruits of society and encouraging innovative technological and economic development and business success at the same time, with no particular rancor toward those who are better off due to the fruits of honest effort
The "right" consists as far as I can tell of
  • (D) many but not all with inherited wealth
  • (E) many who have gained wealth by connivance or stinginess;
  • (F) a whole bunch of apologists who believe that groups D and E give a fig for what happens to them, plan to assure their well being by sound policymaking in the public interest, and will invite them to the country club really soon, you betcha.
Many in each group paradoxically cross over categories. Go figure!

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