Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Give the nation an hour of your time, or give it death!
OK, that headline is a bit much, but Patrick Henry would surely forgive us.

If the Ds spend 2024 arguing about gender pronouns, the nation is doomed, perhaps along with humanity. Trump or some other petty trumpeteer will cave to Putin; who will then invade all the former satellites and bring the EU to a halt within a modern Maginot line. China will invade Taiwan and then Japan on its way to Australia and finally India. Update: And Hamas will score additional propaganda victories.

Feel like voting yet? I could go on.

Only a resolute statement of principles, followed by a D victory this year, backed by Joe Biden in full battle mode for the remainder of his term before his victory in 2024 or his retirement in 2025 can keep the system working, including expanding the Court by both congressional and presidential action. Anything else leads inexorably to abandon ship and every man for himself. It's 1933 and 1942 all over again, but this time Pogo is right; the enemy is us.

The alternative requires only showing up in November and persuading like minds to do the same. You might ask what else you might do, but we won't demand that of you.

UPDATED 23 OCT 2023 to extend applicability to 2024, as nothing much has changed.

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