Smoldering Stump Gazette
News and Commentary
Russia Threatens World with Hunger as War Continues
We often have fun with the news here in Smoldering Stump, but the current situation is too serious for humor. Vladimir Putin's insane war in Ukraine threatens to create famine—or at least food shortages and high prices—in dozens of countries on every continent.

Ukraine produces wheat and other grains, along with many others for its own consumption and for export around the globe. The countries most likely to suffer from impending food shortages are in the Global South—countries mainly in the lower half of the world map and certainly in the list of "less developed countries (LDCs)."

Lest you think this concern is overblown, here's a list of news outlets (among hundreds more), spanning the political spectrum that have published articles and opinions on the subject since the war began. Regardless of your views on US politics, you will find one of your favorites.

Straits Times (Singapore)

New York Times





And the beat goes on. (Along with the beatings by Russian soldiers and mercenaries just before they murder their civilian victims. Coming soon to a street corner near you.)

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